Individual Therapy


You’ll be given a therapist, but if you feel you would like to change your therapist you can ask to change.
All YPAS therapists are qualified and either BACP Accredited (or working towards) and HCPC registered. We also have some trainee therapists in the team.

All YPAS Therapists adhere to the BACP Ethical Framework – you can read this here

YPAS Therapy services provide a wide range of Integrative therapeutic interventions to help Children & Young People improve their mental health and emotional wellbeing.
On your first visit, you will meet and get to know your therapist. You will talk about what you need and how therapy can help you. You are welcome to bring another person for support to the first session. Your Therapist will explain how we can support you and keep you safe, this is called Confidentiality.

Your Therapy sessions will remain confidential unless YPAS is concerned about your safety and that of others, but we will make sure you are fully informed of the limits to confidentiality in your first session. This is called Contracting because all Therapy sessions at YPAS are voluntary and free of charge.
You can share your problems with our therapists in a safe and confidential space, and they can help you make sense of what’s going on. They will also give you the time and space to explore your feelings.