The Maternal Mental Health Experiences of Young Mums

October 18, 2023

Today, the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition (CYPMHC) and the Maternal Mental Health Alliance (MMHA) have launched a new report The Maternal Mental Health Experiences of Young Mums, based on both a literature review and first-hand insights from young mums impacted by maternal mental health problems.

The reality is:

  • Postnatal depression is up to twice as prevalent in teenage mothers compared to those over 20
  • 1 in 4 births in England and Wales were to young people aged 16-24
  • There has been a tragic rise in teenage maternal suicides.

This report shines a light on the urgent needs of young mums and how across the UK, the report’s recommendations are vital for shaping a positive reality.

What needs to change?

Based on the experiences and insights received from young mothers and the evidence collated in the literature review, the briefing identifies 4 priority areas for action to better support the needs of young mothers:

  • 1. Listen and respond to the needs of young mothers in national and local systems
  • 2. Resource and invest in universal and preventative services
  • 3. Ensure access to specialist mental health services
  • 4. Research and listen to the voices of young mums.

You can read more about the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition (CYPMHC) and the Maternal Mental Health Alliance (MMHA) findings by downloading the documents below:

Full Report

Summary of Findings 

Parliamentary Briefing